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Nihongo bin Discussion group 2

  • Tue, August 06, 2013
  • 19:00 - 21:00 (CDT)
  • Huh! restaurant 3401 N Hullen Metairie

It's almost that time again! Our next official meeting will be next Tuesday, 8-6-13 @ 7pm and our topic will be Festivals!!

Japan is, quite possibly, the only place in the world that can hold a candle to the huge amount of festivals that Louisiana - specifically New Orleans - on a yearly basis. There are celebrations for almost anything that you could possibly imagine at almost every moment! I will be going over many of the larger and more popular based of sections of Japan as well as some great times of year to go but, alas, there are entirely too many for me to fully go over. Either way it will let you know some great times to see Japan celebrate with all of its' beautiful heart.

Huh! a restaurant and bar is happy to host us again. Come by with your appetites and enjoy some fantastic foods while learning about Japan. For those who haven't been yet, Huh! is located at 3401 N Hullen in Metairie.

Nihongo Bin, for those new to us, is a discussion group on any and all aspects of the Japanese culture. This group is designed less to teach you about the language and more about teaching you to properly function in Japan's culture. You will learn some key phrases and words but mostly gain a familiarity with how things work or what and where they are in Japanese culture. This group is also open to being lead by ANYONE who is interested in leading a meeting. Anyone with a subject idea, please feel free to message me or ask me in person and I'll make the arrangements for you.


Telephone: (504) 408-0963
E-mail: japansocietynola@gmail.com

PO Box 56785
New Orleans, LA 70156-6785

"Japan Society of New Orleans" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 

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