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"Made in Japan" - Sync Up Cinema/NOVAC

  • Wed, April 27, 2016
  • 16:30 (CDT)
  • The George and Joyce Wein Jazz and Heritage Center

JSNO is co-hosting the film "Made in Japan", which is the remarkable story of Tomi Fujiyama, the world's first Japanese country music superstar. It is a funny yet poignant multicultural journey through music, marriage and the impact of the corporate world on the dreams of one woman. The Diamond Brothers, directors of the film, will be in attendance. Free with advance registration at http://www.jazzandheritage.org/sync-up/ 


Telephone: (504) 408-0963
E-mail: japansocietynola@gmail.com

PO Box 56785
New Orleans, LA 70156-6785

"Japan Society of New Orleans" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 

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