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Doki Doki Beats - Falling for You

  • Sat, September 13, 2014
  • 19:00 - 21:00 (CDT)
  • 4516 Freret st, New Orleans, La

Hello again one and all!!!

 Yes I know it's not fall but it's close too and I thought it was cute :P. 

Nick here with the new announcement for the latest Doki Doki Beats!! On Saturday, September 13th, Let's get together one more time to enjoy good times, good company and AWESOME Japanese music and videos! Fun starts at 7 pm and will once again be at The Rook Cafe at 4516 Freret st and, of course, Will have an awesome raffle with lots of great items to win! As always, you can get tickets at the event or by remote bidding at japansocietyofneworleans.org! 

We look forward to seeing you wall there on the 13th! Till then, be safe and have fun!

Prize announcements coming soon! As always, remote bidding is still available if there's a prize you want but can't make it. Simply donate the amount for tickets you want and email us with what you want those to go to. Ticket prices: 1 for $2, 6 for $10 and 14 for $20.


Telephone: (504) 408-0963
E-mail: japansocietynola@gmail.com

PO Box 56785
New Orleans, LA 70156-6785

"Japan Society of New Orleans" is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization 

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